Thursday, November 24, 2005


Entry for a Tsunami Memorial in Thailand.
The task was to create an appropriate memorial and remembrance place for everyone that was affected by the tragedy of the tsunami disaster 2004 . The immense mirror will provide all the subjective reflections that one can wish for in the complexity of this mission.
The section shows the differentiated experiences for the visitors.
Under the museum hangs gangways that functions as exhibition areas and also becomes an outdoor theatre amidst the jungle. The final room is glowing with light and offers complentation and introspectiveness.
360 meter long with mirrorglasses that reflects the jungle and the sky.
The pillars also functions as lights to lead the visitors through the jungle down to the beach via a dirt path.
At the very end of the roof/reflecting pool the visitors sees a spectacular view of the ocean and the building seems to dissolve into the horizon.
The tip in the end of the museum becomes a crystal that reflects and enhances light like a beacon over the sea.

Reflecting pool on the roof
Section - from dense jungle to the ocean

Lights under the building guides the visitors to the shoreline


Shoreline with the end of the museum with the crystal tip

Overlooking the sea

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