Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Visiondivision is an architecture firm founded in Stockholm, Sweden by Anders Berensson and Ulf Mejergren in 2005.
Visiondivision deals with all kinds of architecture and design problems and with any client, always with the promise of making it world class.
The office does not have a fixed design idea, which benefits each project thus making every solution unique and custom made.
Things that makes us stand out in this business is their ability to think inventive and brave.
The office is one of the most published firms in Europe and have already received several prices and mentions and have been invited as speakers and tutors at various universities around the world as well as exhibitions.
Visiondivision is good at making conceptual designs and unique solutions for all of our clients.
We are not afraid to expand our role as architects to solve any kind of design problem.
The team has also extensive knowledge when it comes to detailing and construction work since the team has always been deeply involved in the building process, sometimes even building the projects by themselves.
We honestly love what we do and will treat every project with the uttermost importance.
The office has a wide portfolio of international work and the attitude of involving external consultants to improve the design intelligence of a given project team. The use of complementing teams ensures that a project will never suffer from being too conventional nor too naive.
If you are interested in a collaboration, internship/employment or becoming a client, contact us at:

1 comment:

  1. That photo is the salar de Uyuni in Bolivia!!! I was just there one week ago. Amazing place. Valeria
