Saturday, July 7, 2007

Rolling Culture

Visiondivision proposes a rolling culture house in the Mexican jungle

Agua dulce, a small village in southern mexico, wants to improve their village with new projects. We proposed a roof structure that gives shade to public activities, and that can be folded into a ball to be shared with nearby villages that lacks public spaces too.

The balls can vary in size and "filling" between the bamboo poles.
plants that grows rapidly and all-year round in this tropical climate, cut up bamboo sections that forms a kind of a hama bead around the ball, or without a filling just to mark a place for an

The transformable ball is constructed so you can have a completely free floor plan,
The ball can be constructed by locals and its also made of bamboo that grows in the region

With shade and light that can be attached to the bamboo joints, activities and energy will wake the slumbering village and make it a more attractive place to live.

fiestas, town meetings, plant exhibitions, markets, school graduations, concerts, basket, football, salsa classes, temporary cinema, crocodile wrestling, you name it.

The village is situated next to the great Tonala river and this makes it possible to transport the balls on the water to the other villages nearby that also lies next to the river. This transportation system could be an event in itself and attract a great deal of tourism.

And it gives the surrounding villages a sense of community and will strengthen their identity.

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