Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bird Bridge


Second Prize in a bridge competition.
The VD crew extended the program with a modernistic mega-block for birds as railings.
For more details and in-depth coverage click on to

The site is located in a beautiful untouched forest with old leaf trees in a small rift with a stream at the bottom.
This patch of forest lies between The Botanical Gardens and Sahlgrenska, the major hospital in Gothenburg.
The hospital wants to link to the peaceful environments of the botanical gardens with two pedestrian bridges.
The rift is the setting for one of these bridges that will have the longest span and it is also dealing with a more delicate environment.
This calls for a sensitive solution, both in appearance and production.

Fallen trees lie on the ground here and there like it usually does in a natural forest.

We erect these fallen heroes that were left for oblivion, and let them be the proud pillars for the bridge through the forest where they once used to grow.
Because why should we cut down other trees from another forest and transport them to the site when we have these resources here?

The bridge will appear as a white hovering line made in plexiglass that slightly reflects the beautiful landscape, which is carried by the tree pillars that disappears in the surrounding nature.
At night time, the truth of this bridge reveals itself.
Welcome to bird city!

1 comment:

  1. I love this project too!
    Nice to see a firm that cares about the animals as well.
