Sunday, February 10, 2008

New office in Buenos Aires

Visiondivision decided to go to Buenos Aires to live a better life and to see if this could affect their architectural performance.
Instead of enduring the harsh winter in Sweden, they are now appreciating the summer of a city which many people consider to be the Paris of South America.
The office is situated in the very central parts of the city, with a pool, a gym and a roof terrace, 20 meters from the Swedish Embassy and 50 meters from a Carnival Club with fabulous shows and outgoing people.
So if you’re nearby, feel free to drop by our office at Tacuari 173 in Buenos Aires and ask for visiondivision in the reception.
That is all for now folks!


  1. I just might take you up on that offer!
    I'm a danish architect living here in Buenos Aires.
    (actually just a few blocks from you guys..)
    I've been here for 2 years now & love the city!

    -found your site through an Facebook group called International Festival.

    Hope to see you soon.
    Mikkel Schiller

  2. Hello Mikkel!
    We're really sorry to inform you that the office now is relocated to Santiago in Chile.
    More information about this is coming up on the blog in a short period of time.
    Good Luck in Buenos Aires, we liked the town aswell.
