Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ski Jumper

Visiondivision gets the commission to develop the surrounding landscape of the classic Stockholm ski jumping tower Fiskartorpet. The projects contains a terrace for outdoor sports, conferences and events plus an outdoor gym in the nearby forest.

The terrace will bee seen both from the ground, the conference rooms and from the top of the Ski jumping tower. The 200 m2 wooden deck could appear quite empty when not used. So a natural choice was to continue a tradition on Fiskartorpet to graffiti walls with Ski jumpers. This graffiti is however made with a milling machine cutting out a 200 square meter picture of a Ski jumper. The motive also shapes a cantilevering walkway and a outdoor conference room in the slope.

Outdoor terrace - day

Outdoor terrace - night, lit up with different colors.

The outdoor gym is made by big logs and then painted in shiny green paint giving it a refined Fred Flintstone feeling.

The green shiny machines is placed like furniture in the forest.

Drawings outdoor gym

If everything goes accordingly to plan this little string of pearls will be built this summer, and Stockholm will get its first public visiondivision project.
Nazca view

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