Monday, March 12, 2012

Spröjs Shed

Exterior render of Spröjs Shed as a guest house

Spröjs Shed is designed with an area of 15m2 to provide an extension alternative to existing summerhouses in Sweden without needing a building permit. The house has a Swedish look that can be incorporated to most Swedish summer houses without standing out too much, still looking great by its own and still having a modern inside that covers many needs.

The small shed is designed to host many different functions depending on what extension is needed for that particular summer living. The size of the Spröjs Shed enables a decent guest house with a WC and kitchenette in various combinations depending on particular needs. The size of the house is also perfect for a sauna with relaxing possibilities. This small size house can also be adapted to more specific needs with great variety with the help of the Spröjs System. The mullions offers just as in the original “Spröjs House” functions as storage, cooking, workplaces and even seats in the Sauna version or whatever is needed for this small summer house.
Spröjs Shed will be for sale in Scandinavia through our summer house manufacturer Sommarnöjen, on their website you will also have more information in Swedish. For countries outside Scandinavia you can contact us directly for a price quote or if you have any other questions regarding the Series;

Exterior render of the Spröjs Shed

Exterior render of Spröjs Shed as a sauna

Interior render of the Spröjs Shed as a guest house

For prices and more information please contact visiondivision.


Plans with different constellations

Axonometric view of Spröjs grid

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