Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spröjs Villa

Spröjs Villa exterior
The Spröjs Villa is a modern style summer house for people with high architectonical taste. The building is based on the Spröjs modular system and can grow in length to any size requested. The house could be just 30 m2, being a small pavilion, to being a slick 200 m2 villa. The house modular system is on every façade as well as the roof. In its original design the spröjs serves as beds, kitchen tables, sofas as well as bath tubs or pretty much any use that can be fitted into the Spröjs grid. The house slim floor plan does so that you will never be more than two meters from the outside and its open facades creates a house that always are in close contact with the outside just as a summer villa should be.

Living room example of a Spröjs Villa

The roof is hovering around the building, letting the low winter light or sunset coming in, still protecting the house from overheating form the midday sun. The modular system also allows opening in the grid for lanterns or for trees to grow through the grid.

Exterior view of a Spröjs Villa
The house lean floor plan and slim construction gives the house a very refined look that fits in any part of the world and its program can change easily for any use. Visiondivision promise that this is the best and most refined summer villa system known in the world today.
Spröjs Villa will be for sale in Scandinavia through our summer house manufacturer Sommarnöjen, on their website you will also have more information in Swedish.
For countries outside Scandinavia you can contact us directly for a price quote or if you have any other questions regarding the Series;

The Spröjs Villa in a Scandinavian setting

The Spröjs Villa in a tropical setting

The Spröjs Villa in a LA-setting

The Spröjs Villa in a Rocky Mountain setting

Spröjs Villa plans showing different options

Spröjs Villa facades

Axonometric view of the Spröjs-grid

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