During our field trip to the biggest salt flat in the world, we stumbled across an old acquaintance that we hadn't seen for a very long time.
Mr. T is also an architect, He is the boss for the T-rex alliance, actually the first architect the vd-crew ever cooperated with, Due to Mr. T’s sad attitude towards architecture and architects in general, the cooperation ended quite quickly. Anyway it is not often we meet old friends in
Mr. T= Mr T-rex alliance, UM = Ulf Mejergren, AB= Anders Berensson
Mr. T
So what the hell are you two doing in
Well, now were on a fieldtrip and a couple a days ago we did a project for a mining cooperative in
Mr. T
Yeah, I saw that project, the highest located piece of architecture in the world I guess, quite alright, well my Space Mirror would be way higher located than your cave and way cooler but Ill guess you didn’t count unbuilt projects even though they’re on a high intellectual level. The devil in your cave looked a little bit cheap though, but what can you expect in this part of the world, no craftsmanship what so ever.
Well we had one of the best sculptures in
Mr. T
And now what are you up to, some more local projects?
Well, this South American field trip is over for my part anyway.
It is time to go home and take care of some new clients that we just got.
Mr. T
Yeah? Is it big?
Could be a huge commission, but we can't talk about it at this point, but your definitely going to like it Mr. T.
Mr. T
So you're going back to
Mr. T
Svalbard Nice, I have some friends there actually.
And you UM are you not going back?
I'm heading to
Mr. T
I saw that Niemeyer thing you did. Niemeyer is ok but hardly as good as I am. What about showing your blog-viewers some real top-notch architecture, some of the projects that I have done.
Mr. T
Actually it wasn't a question.
Ok, tell us about your projects then.
Mr. T
Ok, this first project is called bird invasion.
"A huge traffic knot in the middle of nowhere, next to a small town on the west coast of
A giant highway exit near a small village at the west coast of Sweden takes up a lot of space. The politicians in the village wants to make the great exit something special, maybe something to remind the bypassing cars of the nearby sea. A fragrance of fish is the key to the project, seagulls will invade the area and fill up the great vast emptiness with animal life."
Well, this is another version of the same project, which I find more interesting as well.
"Birds navigate themselves with the help from the magnetic field of earth.
What if we altered this magnet field and borrowed some birds sometimes, to cheer up our rather dull country with color and exotic sounds.
This is another of my projects, The Sun Mirror.
Its very simple, its like satellites that is mirror clad that you can hire so you don't have to worry about bad weather at your garden parties.
Human evolution has been helped a lot of the fact that the human being got more spare time when she discovered devices that could help her in every day life; more efficient ways to gather and store food and so on.
So why not help the animals to get more spare time, so that they can have more time to think and maybe evolve a sense of imagination. An extreme speed evolution.
Now comes a project I did with you fellows, P.O.P;
"Today the technology is that advanced that we can crossbreed different species to get the benefits from these, combined into one that suits the purpose better than the original one. Imagine for example if we can combine the genes of a watermelon with a corn. "
instantly blow up its size by approximately 125 times and that it is lightweight and insulated in this popcorn state. "
"In many rural areas in the developing world this could turn out to be a huge success, a house, a food source, or a valuable item to sell.
A high-tech material that can be grown in an old-school manner by anyone."
"In countries where building material is a lack this could be a perfect solution to grow it directly on the spot. As well as it could be quickly used in emergency situation such as natural catastrophes, famine and poverty all over the world."
The manipulated corn can be produced on the site and due to its size it can easily be transported. When it’s on location the locale people make up a fire around it,
Ok, so here is the Crater Of Peace that also was done with you guys;
Mere scale can overwhelm you, but also a great purpose and meaning, brave history or supreme beauty.
All these factors together can take your breath away and make your heart skip a beat.
Big monuments are often built after great victories or as a manifestation of a great achievement.
We can ask ourselves how great the victory for humankind would be if all the bombs would go away and the declaration of a lasting world peace was proclaimed.
We propose that all the bombs in the world could make a monument; a crater immense in scale and meaning, to reminisce these juvenile and immature periods of warfare in human evolution and be sure that it never will happen again, and later on be filled with pleasure, beauty and joy.
The plot:
A perfect circle with the measure of 150km in diameter is laid out over the South Pole,
Every country with an army takes turns to drop their remaining bombs over the circle until there no longer would exist any heavy weapons in the world.
After the dust has settled and the necessary handling of the remnant pollution from the bombs is taken care of, a unique place has been created.
The crater would be 30km deep, going deep into the crust of the earth to create a warm temperature down at the bottom.
Now we have a span from arctic coldness at the rim of the crater to an almost tropical situation in the lower level.
In the middle of the ground level a circle of 10km is formed and raised to make this place an island when the bottom naturally gets water filled.
This island will be a tropical resort, filled with all pleasures known to mankind.
The money you save on warfare will be put into various vacations for the people on Earth to this paradise.
On the slopes of the crater, a whole eco-system is designed with all plants in the world and also various animals of every species, like a great Ark.
Polar bears and penguins (finally together) in the upper parts of the slope, Reindeer, buffaloes, wild horses, rabbits, llamas, coyotes, ostriches, hippos, camels makes a gradient of animals down to the bottom.
The variety of this place is enormous; trekking, skiing, partying, and relaxing in the enormous pool with warm water all year around, even winter time when the South Pole lies in darkness all day.
This does of course not stop the resort and the slopes to be lit up even then, because of the waterpower that can be accumulated from a fall of 30 km.
The resort would connect the world and bring people from different cultures closer to each other in a relaxing atmosphere in a neutral zone with unmatched scenery and activity program.
Quite opposite to all the wars that shattered and distanced the mankind for so long, but now Babylon is rebuilt in a much more grandeur form and setting.
Interesting projects my friend, but what’s up with that caricature you did of that Swedish architecture firm?
Mr. T
I couldn't help it, I mean, look at them! (Due to legal matters we can't show the image)
Yes, maybe you got a point. After all, burning bridges is one of your specialties.
So what do you do nowadays, I heard you fired all of your staff?
Mr. T
Yeah, no point working with idiots, and I work like 10 people so I don't need any staff at the moment.
Well on the subject of idiots, So tired of that house in
Cool down big guy! A vd client is never an idiot. They wanted something that was not visiondivision and we hope they find what they’re looking for.
Mr. T
Now that was a very correct answer mr Dag Hammarskjöld. Anyway, can't you publish your old projects at the blog as well ,every time I try to log on to http://www.visiondivision.com/ it takes ages for my Bolivian internet to load everything. Not that I look at your page everyday or so, just thought about everyone else.
Yeah, we might do that.
Mr. T
So what new material can we expect from you in a near future?
Well, we got a really nice project that we will publish as soon as the jury of that competition announces the winners.
We will also publish the Tio-video quite soon and the second part of the VD-Guide.
And we will also present some new commission in a couple of weeks.
We will also soon have a realized project that we will show you when it is finished, you're going to be amazed.
Mr. T
Yeah yeah yeah.
It seems like 2008 is going to be a good year for you guys.
How many people work for you now?
Hmm.. hard to say, it varies a lot, with our imaginary friends around 50 I suppose.
Mr. T
Ok, guys, I'm hungry, got to split.
You will be hearing more from me!
Ok, see you later Mr. T
Good luck with everything!
Mr. T

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