Sunday, April 13, 2008

Fort Lola


Second try in Granada for our picky clients.
The Postcard House was not "Spanish" enough.

The client wanted a dream house in the south of Spain that at the same time could be turned into an invisible fort when they client is not there.
Passing the house on the nearby road one will only see a garage. If you would accidentally walk pass the hidden garden you will see a façade with a flower patterned mesh.

The client will experience a totally different house. Inside the garage there is a spiral staircase leading down to a big living room, and as the mesh is flipped into sun protecting panes, the panoramic view towards the surrounding mountains will appear from all the social rooms and the bedrooms. The bathrooms are located towards the hill and will have a cave-like appearance

View towards the house from the lawn on the outside terrace.

The upper level

Living level


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