Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Los perros de Buenos Aires


Suddenly there are thirty dogs in shiny red capes walking around in one of the districts of Buenos Aires.
The architects behind this visual improvement are visiondivision, but they haven’t done this merely for their own sake, the project is about improvement of these animals.

With a classy scarf with a name printed on them, we baptized the dogs we came across, gave them food and a personal red plate.
Hopefully the people around them will be more aware of these dogs and be more kind and generous towards them, and the Barrio will have the most prominent stray dogs of South America.

The project started out in Once in Buenos Aires, which is the garment district of the city.We chose a proper shiny fabric and had it cut up in 75x75 cm squares, 40 pieces.

Then we made up a bunch of classy Argentinean dog names and had those printed on the fabric with a rubber technique in a printing shop nearby.

After that we went to a shop where they attached buttons on the scarves.

We signed them and had them on a display in a local mall, and then we practised to speed-button the scarves on Argentina’s national monument, The Obelisk in the smack centre of Buenos Aires on the widest avenue in the world.

We also bought plates in matching colours.

Only the best ham was selected and also some high quality dog food.

So this is how it works: We went to the outskirts of Buenos Aires and selected a stray dog, gave him food on a red plate and then we put on a scarf with a suitable name on the dog.
By giving a nameless dog a name and some fancy threads, the chances is that the public will be more aware of just that dog and continue to feed him and treat him better.

Our trustful assistant Pablo shows the proper way of attaching the scarf. The very first dog of becoming baptized was Mercedes, a dog full of energy and charm.

Weiss, kind and calm.

Evita, a curious dog with a limp.

Bronco & Nestor, hard to get friends with at first.

Palermo & Ricky.


Juan Esteban.


Dr. Faustino, seemed nice at first.

Don, a nearly blind dog.

Bruno, fast as the lightning.Some locals helped us baptize this one.


Franz Paco.
Lola, likes to chase cars.

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