2014/02 Forts of Fanaticisim is published in the Europan Winner Catalouge

2014/02 Under the Bridge is on the front page of Vårt Kungsholmen.

2014/01 Fredhäll Ice Falls is published twice in the Swedish newspaper Vårt Kungsholmen.

2013/10 Visiondivision is interviewed in the American magazine Tropes.

2013/10 Thai Town is published in the Swedish newspapers Metro, Expressen, Vi i Vasastan, Vårt Kungsholmen, Östermalmsnytt, Kyrkotidningen and in the Swedish tv news program ABC, and at P4, one of the largest radio channels in Sweden.

2013/10 Visiondivision is interviewed in SIRP, an Estonian cultural magazine

2013/09 Visiondivision holds a lecture at the Estonian Academy of Arts

2013/08 Mirror Market is published at Archiscene and others.
2013/08 The Patient Gardener is published in the Chinese book Landscape Installation Art

2013/07 Villa Village is exhibited at the MoMA exhibition Cut n Paste, From Architectural Assemblage to Collage City

2013/06 Takeaway Temple is published in the Swedish newspaper Vårt Kungsholmen

2013/06 Interview with Wired about the Miami Sun

2013/05 The Miami Sun is published in the Austrian newspaper Der Standard

2013/05 Capilla para el Tio is published in the German book Horizonte

2013/04 Chop Stick is published in the Italian Magazine Arca

2013/05 The Miami Sun is published at Archdaily, Designboom, Inhabitat and others.
2013/03 Souvenir City is published at Archiscene and others.
2013/03 Chop Stick is published in the Swedish magazine Trä and the international magazine Interior Design

2013/02 Chop Stick is published in the Korean Magazines Interiors, Concept and Architecture

2013/01 Chop Stick was selected as one of the five finalist under the Public category by the readers of Archdaily from close to 3,000 projects and with more than 40,000 nominations.

2013/01 Chop Stick was chosen as one of 2012's top ten projects in the world, in the public spaces category by Designboom.

2012/12 Chop Stick is published in Indianapolis Museum of Art's Annual Report Magazine

2012/12 Visiondivision is interviewed in the Swedish tv news program ABC

2012/12 Chop Stick is published at Archdaily, Designboom, Inhabitat and others.
2012/11 Creature Code is published at Archiscene and others.
2012/10 Creature Code is exhibited at the Tokyo Designers Week

2012/10 Villa Village is published at Archdaily, Designboom, Archiscene and others.
2012/09 Stockholm Stacked is published in the French magazine Beaux Arts

2012/06 Chop Stick is published on the first page in Indy Star
2012/06 Stockholm Stacked is on the front page in Metro, the most read newspaper in Sweden. The project is also published in various local newspapers

2012/06 Stockholm Stacked is published on Archdaily and Designboom among others
2012/05 Spröjs Series is published in Swedish magazine Arkitekten and in the French Magazine Beaux Arts

2012/05 Visiondivision holds a lecture about fear at the classic Bauhaus school in Weimar, Germany

2012/04 Patient Gardener is published in the New York Times

2012/03 Spröjs Cabin is published in the Swedish tabloid Expressen.

2012/03 Spire is published at Archdaily, Designboom and others.
2012/03 Spröjs Series is published at Archdaily, Designboom, Archiscene and others.
2012/02 A bunch of visiondivision projects is published at Archello
2012/02 Visiondivision talks about summer in front of the Swedish press
2012/02 Patient Gardener is published in the Irish Times and BBC Gardens Illustrated

2012/02 Visiondivision holds the lecture "Concepts" at Royal Institute of Architecture in Stockholm

2012/01 Cancer City is published in the book 365 questions

2011/12 Tower Town is published in the Russian Tall Buildings Magazine and is also on the cover

2011/12 Visiondivision holds a Pecha Kucha lecture at Berns in Stockholm

2011/12 Tower Town is published in MARK Magazine #35
2011/12 Chop Stick is published in the Swedish Magazine Form

2011/11 The Patient Gardener is discussed at the Italian radio station Montecarlo

2011/11 Chop Stick is published in the Swedish magazine Arkitekten

2011/11 The Peak Series is published in the book Nano House

2011/11 The Patient Gardener is featured at archdaily, designboom, dezeen, inhabitat, architzer, treehugger, plusmood, wired, archiscene and more
2011/10 Cancer City is published in the book 11 Flirts

2011/10 Hill Hut is published in the book 1000x European Architecture

2011/10 Chop Stick is published in the magazine RUM

2011/09 Cancer City is published in the Swedish magazine Arkitekten

2011/09 Paper Cut Parlor is published in FRAME #82

2011/09 Visiondivision holds a lecture and are invited guest teachers for the week-long workshop MIAW2 at the architecture school "Politecnico di Milano"

2011/09 Tower Town is featured at Archdaily and Designboom
2011/09 Visiondivision is interviewed in the IMA Magazine

2011/09 Chop Stick is published in the Indianapolis Star

2011/09 Cancer City is exhibited in the main hall at the Tallinn Architecture Biennale

2011/08 Chop Stick is featured at Archdaily and Designboom among others
2011/08 Hollow is featured as an inspirational project for the competition Sukkahville

2011/06 Visiondivision holds a lecture at the annual meeting for the Swedish Architectural Association

2011/04 Paper Cut Parlor is published at Archdaily and Designboom
2011/04 Peak Series is published in the Korean magazine Concepts

2011/03 A range of projects from Visiondivision is published in the Korean book Mobile Architecture

2011/03 Cancer City is published in the Turkish magazine Betonart and the Chinese magazine Landscape Architecture

2011/03 Spröjs House is published in Norwegian magazine Glass & Fasade

2011/03 Mangrolia Chaussures is chosen as one of the best architectural projects of 2010 by the French magazine Concepts & Tendances.

2011/03 Nature's Choice is published in Frame #79

2011/03 Interview with visiondivision in Plaza Magazine where the team is selected as one of the rising stars of architecture and design.

2011/02 Visiondivision holds a brown bag lunch talk at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.

2011/02 Spröjs House is published at Archdaily, Designboom and Framemag.com among others.
2011/01 Hollow is published in Frame #78

2010/12 Peak Series is published in the German magazine Wohn! Design

2010/12 Heaven is published at archdaily and designboom
2010/12 Nature's Choice is published at archdaily and designboom
2010/12 Cancer City is published in the French magazine Sciene & Vie Decouvertes

2010/11 Peak Series is published in Attitude Magazine

2010/10 Storm Flipper is featured at designboom
2010/10 Cancer City is published in Junkjet no 4

2010/10 Noah's House is published at archdaily and designboom among others
2010/10Visiondivision is published with various project in the Korean book "Model Making"

2010/10 Hill Hut is published in the book "Staging Space"
2010/10 Cancer City is published in the Swedish magazine Rum

2010/09 Visiondivision is featured in the 8kg korean book "Portfolio"

2010/09 Visiondivision is featured in Residence magazine and Conditions Magazine

2010/09 Hollow is published at archdaily, designboom, framemag.com and others
2010/09 Deer Grotto is published in Frame #76

2010/08 Visiondivision is the topic of Designbooms weekly email publication showing 10 of our biggest designboom hits.
2010/08 Cancer City is published at archdaily , designboom, and dezeen among others
2010/08 Hill Hut is on the first page of Dagens Nyheter, the biggest newspaper in Sweden

2010/08 Peak Series is published in Mark magazine # 27 and the French Bois magazine

2010/07 Hill Hut is published in the Chinese Magazine Phoenix Fable, the German publication BauNetz and the Swiss magazine Wohnrevue

2010/06 Mangrolia Chaussures is published in AN-Magazine

2010/06 The Peak Series at designboom and archdaily among others.
2010/06 Eden Falls on the cover of Tall Buildings Magazine

2010/06 New Office in Stockholm

2010/05 visiondivision holds Taboo Lecture at Chalmers University

2010/05 Deer Grotto is published at archdaily and designboom among others.
2010/05 Hill Hut is published in Frame #74

2010/04 Hill Hut is published in Sydsvenskan the daily newspaper in southern Sweden.
2010/03 Tornado is published in the magazines Tall Buildings, Spazio Casa Magazine & Arquitectura y diseño

2010/03 Mangrolia Chaussures is published in FRAME #73 & the french magazine Concepts & Tendencies

2010/03 Capilla Para el Tio is published on archdaily and is selected among the Best of the week
2010/02 Capilla Para el Tio and Hill Hut is published in ARQA
2010/02 Eden Falls is published in MARK magazine # 24 , Aeroflot's inflight magazine, Weekend Weekly, Attitude Magazine, Surface Magazine, Ming Magazine, Peak Magazine & ScienceMania

2010/01 Hill Hut reaches the no.1 spot at designboom as the most popular and read article this week and also becomes a weekly dose on archidose
2010/01 Hill Hut is published at archdaily, designboom, plusmode, designscene, mocoloco, inhabitat, mongocoro and mimoa among others.
2010/01 Visiondivision is featured in the book How Architecture learned to speculate

2009/12 Mangrolia Chaussures is published at archdaily, designboom and designscene among others
2009/12 Visiondivision was invited to Arkitekturmuseet (the architecture museum) in Stockholm to pimp Gingerbread Houses, the result is exhibited until the end of 2009.

2009/11 Eden Falls is published at archdaily, designboom and inhabitat
2009/11 Street Party is shortlisted among 3094 proposals in the competition "Thinking outside the parking box" and can be seen at designboom
2009/11 Star Light is published at designboom and archdaily
2009/10 Interview with the team at MLCStudio
2009/10 Visiondivision is invited and participating at Notch Festival in Beijing
2009/09 Interview with the team in Archi-ninja
2009/09 Al-Hakawati is published in Outlook Magazine

2009/09 Al-Hakawati is published in Gulf Life, the in-flight magazine of Gulf Air

2009/08 New office mail : info@visiondivision.com
2009/08 Cover Up is featured at archdaily, designboom, psfk, dsgnworld and more
2009/07 Koh Chang is published at archdaily, designscene and more
2009/07 Rapid Palace is published in BBC Gardens Illustrated

2009/07 Urban Fade gets published at; archdaily, archicentral, urbanism, cyburbia and more
2009/06 Techos Azules is published on various sites; designboom, archicentral and more
2009/06 Al-Hakawati reaches the no. 1 spot at designboom as the most popular and read article in June with over 43000 views.
2009/05 Al-Hakawati is published on various sites; designboom, archicentral, lsdmagazine, bustler, deZona, anadubawi, jazarah, urban logic, trendhunter just to mention a few
2009/05 Capilla para el Tio is published in 4ARK Magazine

2009/05 Umbrella is published on various sites; designboom, archdaily, archicentral, ecofriend, greenbuildingelements
2009/04 Rapid Palace gets published on archdaily, designboom, bufetetecnico, sydsvenskan
2009/04 Fort Lola is published at archdaily, designboom, archicentral, trendsupdate, designmilk
2009/03 Tornado is featured on archicentral, plusmood, deZona, impactlab, urbanity, contract journal, inhabitat
2009/02 Bird Bridge is published on various sites; designboom, inhabitat, archicentral, designscene, archdaily
2008/12 The Goldbrain reaches 10.000 hits and the 100th visiondivision project is made; Burn
2008/10 The Merchants of Venice is exhibited at The Venice Biennale, Barcelona and Las Palmas

2008/08 The Merchants of Venice is published in the 2G Magazine

2008/06 Capilla para el Tio is finished and published as the first Bolivian project ever on Mimoa
2008/04 The visiondivision prize 2008 goes to Oscar Niemeyer, congratulations!
2008/04 Cloud Ceiling is published on various sites, like David report
2008/03 Los Perros de Buenos Aires is completed
2008/02 visiondivision moves the office to Buenos Aires for a while

2008/02 The Goldbrain , the vd blog, is now running,
2008/01 The Merchants of Venice awarded with honorable mention in the 2g Competition
2007/11 Bird Bridge is awarded with 2nd prize
2007/10 Secret Sauna gets published at mimoa, designboom, archidose, plusmood treehugger
2007/07 Rolling Culture is published in various books and newspapers in Mexico
2007/03 Pamukkale is published on the biggest architecture site in the Netherlands
2006/08 Digital Office For some evil dudes wins second prize in a conceptual competition in Mexico
2006/02 visiondivision goes virtual2005 Koh Chang is awarded with the golden lion in a competition

2005 Pitstop II is exhibited at BO05 and in several posters, newspapers and sites
2005 Villa Sondefors is published in several articles in Norrtälje Tidning

2005 Closer exhibited in Bangkok's central park for two weeks
2005 Pamukkale is mentioned in the jury summary
2004 Pitstop - first prize and erected at '04 exhibition: "Bil fri dag Gothenburg", "Chalmers Trafikdagar" "Staden i ungas ögon" Gothenburg City Museum

2004 Eriksbambu exhibited at BO05 in Gothenburg '05

2003 Europan 7 site Gårdsten final round proposal
2002 Sandmannen final round proposal
2001 The giant shrimps from outer space returns 1st prize student work