Crater of Peace - a massive peace action
Glow - a state-of-the-art experiment to save energy and make the planet more beautiful
P.O.P. - an emergency kit consisting of a house that you can eat.

The team discussing
Crater of Peace
Mere scale can overwhelm you, but also a great purpose and meaning, brave history or supreme beauty.
All these factors together can take your breath away and make your heart skip a beat.
Big monuments are often built after great victories or as a manifestation of a great achievement.
We can ask ourselves how great the victory for humankind would be if all the bombs would go away and the declaration of a lasting world peace was proclaimed.
We propose that all the bombs in the world could make a monument; a crater immense in scale and meaning, to reminisce these juvenile and immature periods of warfare in human evolution and be sure that it never will happen again, and later on be filled with pleasure, beauty and joy.
The plot:
A perfect circle with the measure of 150km in diameter is laid out over the South Pole,
Every country with an army takes turns to drop their remaining bombs over the circle until there no longer would exist any heavy weapons in the world.
After the dust has settled and the necessary handling of the remnant pollution from the bombs is taken care of, a unique place has been created.
The crater would be 30km deep, going deep into the crust of the earth to create a warm temperature down at the bottom.
Now we have a span from arctic coldness at the rim of the crater to an almost tropical situation in the lower level.
In the middle of the ground level a circle of 10km is formed and raised to make this place an island when the bottom naturally gets water filled.
This island will be a tropical resort, filled with all pleasures known to mankind.
The money you save on warfare will be put into various vacations for the people on Earth to this paradise.
On the slopes of the crater, a whole eco-system is designed with all plants in the world and also various animals of every species, like a great Ark.
Polar bears and penguins (finally together) in the upper parts of the slope, Reindeers, buffalos, wild horses, rabbits, llamas, coyotes, ostriches, hippos, camels makes a gradient of animals down to the bottom.
The variety of this place is enormous; trekking, skiing, partying, and relaxing in the enormous pool with warm water all year around, even winter time when the South Pole lies in darkness all day.
This does of course not stop the resort and the slopes to be lit up even then, because of the waterpower that can be accumulated from a fall of 30 km.
The resort would connect the world and bring people from different cultures closer to each other in a relaxing atmosphere in a neutral zone with unmatched scenery and activity program.
Quite opposite to all the wars that shattered and distanced the mankind for so long, but now Babylon is rebuilt in a much more grandeur form and setting.

Crater of Peace
High tech research seems to be the main drive in medicine, cars, telecom, nail polish, well, everything except architecture. The building industry has taken the roll as the constant number two, something is developed for the car industry and ten years later, if lucky, it is used in buildings, meaning that there is hardly ever an attempt to make high tech architecture , it just happens if we are lucky.
What if high tech research forgot about the clumsiness of architecture and saw it as any other field with an open mind for high tech research?
What if such a stupid thing as beautiful spaces was the aim for this science?
Well maybe we're being arrogantly optimistic and over confident but in this project we will assume that this is the case.
The project starts in a laboratory, the gene that makes glow-worms glow has been found. Scientist clones the gene in to a birch tree. Suddenly the world became so much more beautiful.
Remote villages in Mongolia for example can be illuminated gently with these no-energy consumptive trees.
Well we're pretty confident that this project will be done in the future, the question is only how long it will take. Ill guess it depends on the architects attitude towards high tech solutions, The glimmering trees is however my idea and it deserves at least to take me to the second round of this competition., In round two we will be more optimistic that architects and juries all around the globe are interested in new science, enough confident to contact the right scientist to make this project a overwhelming architectural experience.

In the modern age where it’s possible to manipulate genes to benefit the humankind we should seek beyond the regular usage and rethink the possibilities a bit to get even further.
Today the technology is that advanced that we can crossbreed different species to get the benefits from these, combined into one that suits the purpose better than the original one. Within 10 years from now, we will probably be able to create plants that can live in different climates to make them be able to grow there and increase the areas on earth that is suitable for crops of this kind, or perhaps a multi-plant with a number of vegetables on the same plant. But why stop there when we can give the world so much more. Imagine for example if we can combine the genes of a watermelon with a corn. To give the corn the size, the water resistance and the possibility to grow alone as the watermelon has, combined with the unique qualities of the corn to instantly blow up its size by approximately 125 times and that it is lightweight and insulated in this popcorn state.
The manipulated corn can be produced on the site and due to its size it can easily be transported. When it’s on location the locale people make up a fire around it, which with the time makes it explode to become a temporary home for a small family that also is 100% totally recyclable and ecological.
Each house will get a unique shape and the rooms can easily be dug/eaten out due to the requests.
In countries where building materials is a lack this could be a perfect solution to grow it directly on the spot. As well as it could be quickly used in emergency situations such as natural catastrophes, famine and poverty all over the world.
The thing that also is a bit different from an ordinary slow construction is that you actually can eat it as well, with vitamins and key fibres that are injected in the corn, this aspect can mean the difference between life and death in some situations. The intention of this project is that it is kind of temporary and used mostly in a situation that demands a high speed in construction and low cost to transport it.
Making meaning
In many rural areas in the developing world this could turn out to be a huge success, a house, a food source, or a valuable item to sell.
A high-tech material that can be grown in an old-school manner by anyone.
A meaningful product in many ways.
Structural wise this project is certainly very interesting; organic, flexible for demands (the tenants designs the rooms instantly and on the spot), insulated, self bearing, low weight, eatable, a soft hardness to lie on like a perfect bed.

Taking melon DNA to combine with the DNA of corn

Inspecting the corn

The corn is cultivated in developing countries
In emergency situation, the corn can be dropped by air

Popcorn house
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